Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Fall Card.......4th post for today!!!
Inkadinkado Sympathy Card
Purple Haired Witch!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Prayer Request...
Thank you so much for reading this post, and for your friendship. It's amazing to reach so many people with just this little keyboard in front of me. It's during times like this when all your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My First Bind It All Book!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Baby Journal #2~Edited on November 2nd, 08
Here are a few more pictures of my baby journal and some details about how I made it. I started with an ordinary regular sized composition notebook that you can find in any office supply store, grocery store or discount store. I first covered the entire book including the spine with solid color cardstock. I used a wet glue that I brushed on called Perfect Paper Adhesive. I found this at Michaels. I placed something heavy on top of it and then let it dry overnight. I then covered the cardstock with pattern paper leaving a pink border all the way around. I stamped a bunch of babies with black ink and did the watercoloring technique withe markers and SU blender pens. I LOVE this way of coloring! I then cut them out and cut a piece of coordinating cardstock to adhere along the left side of the book. I adhered the babies and then trimmed around them leaving a 1/8" border of blue/periwinkle showing. I then attached a strip of different pattern paper along the left with two different ribbons. The tabs I stamped using my Making Memories magnetic stamp sets. You can find them here. I used my Stamp-a-majig to center them on the tabs. I liked the idea of using these words versus other ones because someone could use this book starting from birth for several years. It isn't dated with the year or separated by age in any way. So someone could just journal things like when their baby was "naughty" or "discovered" something. I thought it was a cool idea. As you can see, these sets come on different fonts, not all the same font included in one set, so that's kinda cool too. Oh I forgot to mention that the other stamps are from Outline Stamps. I used two different baby ones.
Along the side of the paper where each tab is, there is a 1 1/2" wide strip of pattern paper. I added this under the tab to provide extra strength. The strip is 3 inches wide and it's scored at 1 1/2" and then wrapped around the edge of the paper. This is also glued on with the same wet glue I mentioned earlier. Then I added the tabs using the same glue. I thought it would be cute to have someplace to add the birth announcement, so this is adhered to the inside cover.
I also added a bookmark. The ribbon is sandwiched between two pieces of yellow cardstock and the stamped image is only on one side. The end of the ribbon is attached at the back of the book between the cardstock cover I added and the cover of the book.
So that's it. What do you think? I really like how it came out. Now that I know the measurements and know what I am doing, the next few won't take me so long! LOL Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful night!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Baby Journal
Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful evening and I will see you tomorrow! ;)
Happy Monday Morning!!
Anyways, I am going to post those pictures today and then start working on other things for my upcoming craft fairs! Katie and I are doing a few together, so that will be fun!
Thanks for stopping by; check back later today! Have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thank you's!!!
I thought I would have finished my baby journal last night but I spent a lot of time coloring the images and didn't get much farther than cutting them out! LOL Maybe I can sit down tomorrow night and get a little farther! We'll see. Hope you have a wonderful evening! Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday Night Live...
Note: I am no means trying to be political or voice any opinion whatsoever!!! I just thought it was funny!!! So please don't take offense to my mentioning it. I think it's hilarious when SNL can copy anybody and do it so perfectly! ROFL!! Anyway, check it out if you haven't seen it already.
Now I am off to make a baby book/journal thingie. I will post it when I am done. Have ideas floating around in my head and have to jump on them when it happens! LOL Thanks for checking in!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I tried to be creative today...

So that's it. Not what I normally post .....LOL. I don't paint much anymore but this is just a little of what I have done. I will post a project tomorrow if I can focus long enough to finish one! LOL
Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful evening!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
More of my room...
Then you see the other desk that my computer stuff sits on. Above it on the wall is more pegboard and shelves. I have photo boxes with miscellaneous stuff in them. This picture was taken before I cleaned my desk off so it's a mess! But it shows the shelves and my punch storage. I need to put curtains or something on the edges of my desks cuz I hate to see the mess under them! LOL
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Happy Tuesday! A funny story for you....
Last week, while I was working alone because my boss was extremely sick, I was driving to work on Wednesday morning. I left my house at 8 am, jumped on the highway only a mile away, and began my 25 minute trip to work. About 2 miles into it, traffic comes to a dead stop! Not good when I was meeting our delivery truck at work and he was expecting me to arrive at 8:30! Well, I remain optimistic hoping that traffic will start moving again, which it normally does because most of the time, the cause is a stalled car or a fender bender. And the lookey loo's are just slowing down to stare at whoever is on the side of the road. LOL However, this trip was entirely different! I sat, and sat, and sat, and sat in the same spot for a LONG time! I moved forward maybe inches at a time and I wasn't making a lot of progress. 8:30 comes and goes and so does 9:00. I repeatedly call home to talk to Jared about the highway situation, and he says, "poor honey....." He then says, I am interrupting his morning news shows! LOL. So It's about 9:30 now and I am still only about 8 miles from home. There aren't any exits between my exit and the next town which is 10 miles. And I start seeing people pulling over to the shoulder to run into the woods to pee!!! LOL I think to myself, okay this isn't good! The only option is to find a U-turn in the median, which is illegal to use, but at this point.......who cares right? LOL So I am now in search of a U-turn and can't see one coming up. All I see is forest between the southbound and northbound lanes: big wide forest! LOL Well, I gotta drive through it, right? I mean, I can't sit here and just wait. I had already thumbed through my entire issue of Paper Crafts! So up ahead, about 10 cars up, I see trucks turning off into the median and disappearing into the woods! I think to myself, "oh can I do that?......those are big trucks!" Then I see a four-door sedan go down the embankment and into the woods, and I think, "well, if she can do it, so can I!!!" So when I reach that point in the road, I hesitate, thinking what if I get stuck in there? Then I decide to just go for it and I turn left and go down the embankment. It's so steep that I actually was afraid I was going to bottom out and get stuck with the nose of my van in the ground! It was a lot steeper than I anticipated. It doesn't look so bad when you're driving 70 miles an hour past it on a normal day! LOL But I make it down the embankment and here I go........four-wheeling through the forest! LOL I start getting nervous as I enter the woods and realize that yes, there's a little path carved into the dirt already from the other cars but I was driving over tree roots and through the branches! LOL. It's also dark! ROFL!! So about 200 yards later, I get to the other side and I come to another steep embankment! Oh man, if I have to slow down for traffic at the top of that embankment, I am not going to make it and I am going to get stuck for sure! Just what I need.........get stuck doing something illegal cuz I want to get to work! I figure my only option is to gun it! LOL I look to the right and see no cars coming so I nail my gas pedal and hope for the best! ROFL I get on the road and my heart is just pounding! I look in the rearview mirror and see several more cars and trucks doing the same thing. So now we are driving back north, opposite direction of work, which is really making me mad, and I am just flying on the highway! LOL My part of the state has ONE highway and that's it. The other option for travel is to take Rt. 7 which is the old way of getting through the state before the highway was built. So I get off the highway and start going down Rt. 7. About half way to work, I am on this back road and suddenly, traffic stops! OMG.......are you kidding me??? What the heck is going on???? LOL. I guess everyone else had the same idea and now this back road is stopped and we aren't moving anywhere! In front of me is this SUV......husband is driving and wife is hanging out the passenger window. At first I thought she was looking at something on the road. And I am thinking........how far do you have to hang out the window to look at something! LOL........well, she isn't looking at anything......she starts barfing because she's car sick and has been stopping and going for so long! Poor thing! I felt so badly for her! So after almost 3 hours, yes.......... 3 hours............I get to work and the guards are standing a the front gate tapping their watches and laughing at me! Haha, yeah real funny! LOL And my delivery truck is still sitting there waiting for me. :) He was very nice and understanding though, which was great! All day long, soldiers and customers are coming into the store with the same story as me. Some people were on the road for 5 hours! Vermont is NOT good with things like this! LOL. Come to find out, there was a power line down across both lanes on the southbound side and everyone thought it was a live wire, so traffic stopped and no one wanted to drive over it. So the highway was shut down, authorities took forever to get there to do any traffic control, and people had to try to make it around this wire and get off the highway. In the end, we found out it was a CABLE wire that the cable company had accidentally knocked down! Can you believe that? What a nightmare that was! Every day since then, I have looked over the bridge before getting on the highway to make sure traffic is flowing! LOL Can you imagine if this happened in the winter?
Thanks for stopping by! Happy traveling!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Wanna see my room???
Okay moving to the left on my desk are more drawer units. There are two units stacked on top of each other. I have lots of prima flowers, glitters, embossing powders, and some buttons in those drawers. Standing up in between those drawer units and the stack of tupperware, are cutting mats and my sticky mats for my cricut and some templates. To the left of the drawers are two other drawer units that hold larger items. I have lots of stamps in those. I think all the drawers are filled with stamps. Above the first set of drawers you can see my cricut cartridges.
Okay now moving from the center position to the right on my desk is this wooden shelving unit that holds most of my ink pads. It's perfect for the SU ink pads. I also have kaleidasopes pads and marvy pads and other various pads in it. It's at a slight angle on my desk so it aims toward me and not flush against the wall. Sitting on this wooden shelf are glass jars. Yep, I recycle ragu jars for ribbon! LOL Hey whatever works, right?
To the left of the ragu jars are smaller glass jars that used to hold prima flowers and they now hold ribbon.
Here's a close up of the smaller jars. Above that, hanging on the wall, is a long hook sticking out. That holds more ribbon spools.
This is my fancy heat gun holder! LOL. Like it? LOL Hanging above that fancy holder is a canvas thing with clear pockets. I have a ton of stuff in it. What you can see in this picture are diamond glaze bottles, my Bind It All corner rounder, stamp cleaner, some paint (I dont' know why those are in there) LOL, and some stamps.
Wanna see more? LOL This is just another picture of my multitude of drawers! LOL. I can't seem to have enough of them!
This is to the left of my chair sticking out from my large desk at a right angle. And guess what it is? More drawers! Only bigger ones! LOL. This one I got at Staples and it's really sturdy. I have my cuttlebug and bind it all on it. I used to have my computer printer on it. To the left is another drawer unit. That one is on wheels! Woohoo...mobile drawers! LOL The stuff in these drawers are things that I use alot so they are right next to me.
It's only appropriate that my two bugs be next to each other! LOL. With them on different surfaces, they aren't taking up real estate on my work surface in front of me.
Okay now I am taking you back to the other side of me. This is on the right of my chair. This metal rack stands right next to that canvas organizer you saw earlier. This has a bunch of my SU sets on it. And above them are a few shelves of paper.
Not paper that I use a lot. Just there for future use.
Okay, that's it for now. Tomorrow, I will show you the OTHER side of my room.......yes, more stuff! LOL You're thinking to yourself...........she has too much stuff! LOL Maybe some of you are saying, "that's all she has?........" LOL. How many of you are saying that? I wanna know! LOL Well, notice, I haven't shown you my punches or my computer desk......(which has more stuff on it). LOL
Thanks for stopping by! See you soon!
Monday, September 1, 2008
No Calorie Desserts!!! Part 2
Thanks for stopping by!! Any comments or questions are welcome!
No Calorie Desserts!!!
I used watercolor pencils from Prismacolor. And used SU blender pens to, well blend of course. :) I used Marvy scallop circle and oval punches for the cupcake and the sentiment. The paper is very heavy cardstock and has lots of fun colors and sparkle to it. I found it at Michaels.
The ice cream cone is from Denami Designs.
Thanks for stopping by!