
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Zibbet Shop is coming along!

Hi Peeps!!  Where have I been?  LOL!  I don't know!  Busy I guess since it's Summer vacation for my kids.  I have been working on my Zibbet Store!  I decided to go with Zibbet instead of Etsy because of the fees Etsy charges and Zibbet offers a little more as far as features go.  I also had a hard time maneuvering around Etsy and discovered that Zibbet is soooo much easier!  I added a Zibbet button right below my profile picture on the right sidebar.  You can visit me now but I haven't listed anything.  I am working on several bracelets as well as some paper creations!  I am sooooo excited and can't wait to open......very soon, very soon!!  I will keep you posted on my Grand Opening date!  :)  I hope that you stop by for a visit and let me know what you think!  I would really appreciate that.  Oh, and spread the word!  ;-)  Thank you so much and I hope you are having a wonderful July; we're almost into August, can you believe it?  Thanks for stopping by for a quick visit.  :)

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