
Monday, July 15, 2013

My New Business Venture...

Hiiii!  How was your weekend?  Were you lucky enough to have some nice weather?  We had gorgeous weather all weekend; an awesome reprieve from all the rain we've been having!  I made a decision this weekend that I would love to share with you!  I will be opening an Etsy Shop!!  I don't have an opening date yet because I am still working on some projects.  I have been toying with this idea for a few months after many questions on various projects that I have featured on my You Tube channel as well as on my blog.  I have been asked about my smash books, my jewelry, my journals, and I am excited to say that I am finally biting the bullet.  I will share some of what you might see in my Etsy Shop.  These are previous projects that aren't for sale but I figure they are great samples.  In the video below, I shared a smash book that I made.  I will be making smash books such as the one you see below.  I think the most requests have been about this project!
So I will share several photos below just as a sampling of some of the items I will be selling.  I hope you see something you like!  :)  
So this is just a small sampling.  I will also be accepting custom orders, again for projects you have seen before.  I am so excited and I hope you'll stop by for a visit when I open my new shop!  Thank you so much for stopping by today and be on the lookout for updates and an opening date!  Have an amazing day!

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