
Friday, September 5, 2008

Wanna see my room???

I thought I would share my craft room.....I'm not sure why since it's a mess......actually it's not a mess least not to me..........I think it would look chaotic to someone else but it's an organized chaos for me! LOL My work station is a old oak door that was turned into a table. The previous owner left it behind when we bought the house. He used this same room as his workshop so that's why there aren't any walls or a ceiling. We covered a lot of the walls with pegboard which works for me. On my table, I have a table cloth and a sheet of plexiglass on top of that so it's nice and smooth. When I sit at my desk, this is in front of me. My little glass jars with scissors and pens and stuff is right in front of me. I have a wooden spinny thing that has bigger scissors and items in it. Behind the wooden spinny thing is a blue container hanging on the pegboard. It's the kind of organizer you might find in your husband's workroom with screws and bolts in it. It holds my eyelets and brads. I have them separated by color. Above that, hanging on the wall are clear buckets hanging by hooks. I just have various things in them. I just hang stuff that I need easy access to. I have adhesive refills, extra tape, brayers, rulers, glue dots, pop dots, etc hanging on the wall. Can you see the tupperware things stacked up? Those are filled with embossing powders and glitters that I use a lot. Next to it is a box of cards that I have recently made. Yes it's a tuna fish box! LOL

Okay moving to the left on my desk are more drawer units. There are two units stacked on top of each other. I have lots of prima flowers, glitters, embossing powders, and some buttons in those drawers. Standing up in between those drawer units and the stack of tupperware, are cutting mats and my sticky mats for my cricut and some templates. To the left of the drawers are two other drawer units that hold larger items. I have lots of stamps in those. I think all the drawers are filled with stamps. Above the first set of drawers you can see my cricut cartridges.

Okay now moving from the center position to the right on my desk is this wooden shelving unit that holds most of my ink pads. It's perfect for the SU ink pads. I also have kaleidasopes pads and marvy pads and other various pads in it. It's at a slight angle on my desk so it aims toward me and not flush against the wall. Sitting on this wooden shelf are glass jars. Yep, I recycle ragu jars for ribbon! LOL Hey whatever works, right?

To the left of the ragu jars are smaller glass jars that used to hold prima flowers and they now hold ribbon.

Here's a close up of the smaller jars. Above that, hanging on the wall, is a long hook sticking out. That holds more ribbon spools.

This is my fancy heat gun holder! LOL. Like it? LOL Hanging above that fancy holder is a canvas thing with clear pockets. I have a ton of stuff in it. What you can see in this picture are diamond glaze bottles, my Bind It All corner rounder, stamp cleaner, some paint (I dont' know why those are in there) LOL, and some stamps.

Wanna see more? LOL This is just another picture of my multitude of drawers! LOL. I can't seem to have enough of them!

This is to the left of my chair sticking out from my large desk at a right angle. And guess what it is? More drawers! Only bigger ones! LOL. This one I got at Staples and it's really sturdy. I have my cuttlebug and bind it all on it. I used to have my computer printer on it. To the left is another drawer unit. That one is on wheels! drawers! LOL The stuff in these drawers are things that I use alot so they are right next to me.

It's only appropriate that my two bugs be next to each other! LOL. With them on different surfaces, they aren't taking up real estate on my work surface in front of me.

Okay now I am taking you back to the other side of me. This is on the right of my chair. This metal rack stands right next to that canvas organizer you saw earlier. This has a bunch of my SU sets on it. And above them are a few shelves of paper.

Not paper that I use a lot. Just there for future use.

Okay, that's it for now. Tomorrow, I will show you the OTHER side of my room.......yes, more stuff! LOL You're thinking to yourself...........she has too much stuff! LOL Maybe some of you are saying, "that's all she has?........" LOL. How many of you are saying that? I wanna know! LOL Well, notice, I haven't shown you my punches or my computer desk......(which has more stuff on it). LOL

Thanks for stopping by! See you soon!

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