
Monday, September 1, 2008

No Calorie Desserts!!! Part 2

I thought I would put this project in it's own post since I was sharing so many photos of it. I just love how the colors turned out in these pictures. That doesn't happen very often! LOL This is a post it note holder. It was a project we did in the class on Saturday. Very simple to make. It is only two pieces of paper: blue and white. The blue is the base and also the little bar that goes across the front. It's held in place with two little black brads. The word smiles is from a Hero Arts set. I just tried to find it online but I can't find it on Addicted to Rubber Stamps. I will look some more tomorrow and post it. Sorry! I used my Prismacolor watercolor pencils to color it in and blended with my dove blender.
This holder is for a 2x3" post it note. I used double sided tape from Scotch to secure it.
Thanks for stopping by!! Any comments or questions are welcome!


  1. This is so cute. I love how you added the little flap and flap holder with the 'Smiles' strip. Very cute!!
    My blog:

  2. wowww, it´s very cool.. I love your book...:-) Hugs from Germany
