
Monday, April 28, 2008

Work Week #1 is over!

What a long week! I can't even tell you what a mess I walked into at work! 4 weeks of having substitute managers who all do things differently in their own stores has wreaked havoc at mine! Two of them left piles of paperwork for me to do and it's hard to describe what this job entails and how much work it is! Twice I worked until 7 pm and I should be leaving at 5:30. I even put in a few hours yesterday and we were closed! I am about 80% caught up and hopefully I can get things running smoothly again by the end of this week.

As far as this blog goes.......I might have to transfer everything over to a new blog because I still can't fix this comment problem and it annoys me to no end that I can't click on any of the links down the left side of my blog! I know that you can't see any of the tutorials or anything and it's frustrating that I can't get an answer from Blogger! So I will definitely let you know what I plan to do about it. I am sorry that this has been such a hassle!

I hope that everyone had a nice weekend! Weather here for the past couple of weeks has been amazing! 70's and sunny! Well, it's back to reality for a bit.....rain today thru Wednesday and below normal temps......49 for a high on Wednesday! YUCK! Maybe my next two days off the weather will be nice again and I might be able to plant something! :)

Have a wonderful day, and week, and I will keep you posted! Thanks for checking in!

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