
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Still having issues with commenting

Hi all,

I am sorry, I haven't been able to fix the link and commenting problem. I am waiting for another reply to my question on the blogger help group thingie so hopefully I can get it fixed soon! It's rather annoying! LOL.

Our weather has been awesome lately! Yesterday I took the kids to the home and garden show at the fairgrounds because Dale Jr.'s racecar was there and my son loves racecars so I thought he'd get a kick out of seeing one in person! I took a few pictures that I will post later.

Heading back to work on Tuesday!! I dropped by yesterday and met one the several managers who filled in for me. This gentleman was from Maine. Another was from Connecticut, and another was from Massachusetts. I am not sure where the other one came from. But I received lots of feedback from the man I met yesterday regarding our store and it's layout and the whether or not my own manager was coming back from her vacation! I am guessing from what I gather from the fill-in manager and my employee that she isn't coming back. Which would mean that this would turn into my store! Which I don't mind but personnel just needs to tell me that and stop leaving me in limbo here. Don't you agree? So I will give it a few weeks and if my manager isn't back then I will have to call personnel and find out what the deal is. I will keep you posted on that.....

The kids are on vacation all this week! Sucks that I have to go back to work! Daddy has plans with them for his days off this week, so they will enjoy that.

Anyway, gotta run for a bit. Have some things to do.......thanks for stopping by and checking in. I will post some pics later tonight. Have a great Sunday!

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