
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I've Had Some Set Backs...

Hey everyone!  Happy Tuesday!  I hope you had a fabulous weekend and the start of your  week!  I wanted to let you know that I am working very hard on listing some new journals.  I had some set backs last week that really slowed my progress.  But don't give up on me!  New journals ARE coming.  Yayyyy!  Here's more of the sneak peek that I showed you last week...

 This one has a notepad stuck inside the front cover!  

 It's loaded with tags!

 It also has top loading pockets with tags adorned with soft crocheted ribbon/lace.

I'm working on some hard cover journals made from recycled books as well.  Eek!  I am super excited about these!  I can't wait to show you them.  Soon, very soon.  Thank you so very much for stopping by today and I'll see you real soon!


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