
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Use It Up ~ 2012!!

How many of you are as guilty as I am of hoarding crafting supplies??!!  Can I see a show of hands??  ;-)  I know there are hundreds, if not thousands, of us all over the world who see some gorgeous new paper that we must have NOW, or some beautiful fuzzy soft yarn that we must make a new scarf with, and drag it home only to stick it in a drawer or box somewhere, or even worse, leave it in the bag you brought it home in and shove it into a place so well hidden that you forget where you put it???!!!!  Well it's two years later, and that poor yarn is still unused and that beautiful paper is sitting at the bottom of the pile of other beautiful papers we had to have.  Anybody feeling the pain right now?  I am feeling that pain, let me tell you!  I have a craft room FULL of STUFF!!  I have friends who call it stash, loot, goodies, you name it.  ;-)  Whatever you call your stuff, we have tons of it don't we?  Collecting dust, being suffocated under the huge piles, neglected and sad.  =0(

Well, I came across Fran's blog post and decided to raise my hand, both hands actually and pledge to Use It Up in 2012.  I am going to go shopping in my own craft room instead of Michael's, AC Moore, and Joann's because I have PLENTY of stuff in my own store that I can use!!  I have stuff still in packaging, still sealed, still wrapped up, still unused years after I bought it!!  Are you guilty too?  Wouldn't you love to dig into that stuff and make it useful??  Not only will this save you money, but it will also clean up your room and clean out those drawers and boxes!!  Aren't we always complaining about not having enough SPACE?!?!  Well here is your solution!  USE IT, gift it, trade it, make something special!  Isn't that why you bought it in the first place?

Now this doesn't mean that you can't buy anything in 2012, because in order to make this fabulous stuff we are going to make, it requires adhesive.  Adhesive is not one of my collector's items, so I know that I will run out while making my fabulous projects ;-) so purchase more adhesive only when you've run out.  However, don't take a detour throughout the entire store in search of more items to add to your "stuff" at home!  You are there to buy adhesive only!  Bow your head, and with purpose, walk briskly out the door!!!  LOL!!   Read all of the bullets in Fran's blog post.  She goes into more of the details.

So join me whether you have a room full, or a bin full, we all collect stuff that we keep meaning to use and never do.  Why buy more?  Right?!  I hope you raise your hand as well and if you do, let me know!! Let's support each other on our quest to Use It Up!!  We will feel sooo much better afterward!!  I promise.....hugs and squishes to you!!  =0)

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