
Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Peek Inside My Winter Mini...

Good morning beautiful peeps!  I hope it's a great day so far.  Some flurries this morning but nothing to get excited over.  I don't know what's going on this year but winter has been disappointing so far!  Rain one day, snow the next.  The ice has been terrible, making errands rather scary! lol! 

I have a couple more pics of my winter mini to share.  Hopefully this weekend I will have the video posted as well.  I have it recorded; I am just waiting for the recipient to receive it first.  

This is the first couple of pages.  The snowflakes are made using dies from Spellbinder.  The pocket on the top page is made using a Martha Stewart deep edge punch (snowflakes).  More deets to come and the video should be up this weekend.  Thanks for stopping by and visiting me today.  Have a wonderful day!  Hugs!!! 

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