
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Sunday

Hi everyone! Thanks for checking in! Kids are on spring vacation this week. I am so excited I get to watch my shows tonight and stay up late and not have to get up early tomorrow! LOL. Today I am taking my daughter to her play date while I run some errands.

Spring has finally sprung here in Vermont..........I think! LOL. Our mountains still have snow and they have still been getting some random snow even into April. But here, we are in the high 50's low 60's and my daffodils are sprouting! I love living in a place where I can plant perennials once and forget about them! :)

With Spring here, I've really been wanting to make a card called the Flower Pot Pocket Card. Have you seen it? SCS has a great section dedicated to challenges. They have Color Combo Challenges, inspiration challenges, cards sketches, etc. The flower pot pocket card is in the Technique challenge. Look at the gallery of cards people have made. They're awesome!!! You can find the directions to make this card here. I have made the pot portion but haven't gotten around to making the flowers yet! LOL. You should check them out. You will probably get farther along than I did! LOL

Have a wonderful Sunday......I am off to get ready to take my daughter to her playdate! I hope you are enjoying your spring weather as well!

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