
Monday, April 27, 2009

Flower Pot Pocket Card TLC215

I loved making this card!! What a fun challenge. A little time consuming because you have to glue lots of layers together and I had to use tweezers but it was relaxing to be honest. I love how it turned out. I used a multitude of flower punches and leaves and the branch punch. I used dew drops and brads for each center. This requires LOTS of wet glue; not glue stick or glue tape runner thingies. I used a paper piercer to apply the glue to the backs of each flower to stick them on. My husband came down and I showed it to him and he said, "now why don't you mass produce that and send it out to people???" I whipped my head around to look at him with this dumbfounded look on my face and said to him, "WHAT??? you know how long it took me to make this card????" LOL I started making this last week! Then I got sick (brochitis) and I finally finished it this afternoon! Sometimes he kills me! LOL

This is a technique lovers challenge on SCS. I posted the link in an earlier post but in case you missed it, here it is again. You gotta check out the gallery; so much inspiration there! Here is the card laying down so you can see the dimension.I used a larger size stylus and a foam pad and laid the flower on the pad and made little circular motions with the stylus in the center of the flower. This brings the petals up and pushes the center down. Then I glued each layer together and added a dew drop. The ones that have brads, I didn't use glue to put the layers together. The brads hold the layers together.Here you can see the embossed pot and the punched edge of the pot. I used a Martha Stewart border punch and I used my Cuttlebug to emboss the pot. After both of those things were done, I used a sponge and close to cocoa ink and swiped it across the pot so the dimension would pop.Here you can see the card with the flowers taken out. I used the same border punch to punch the blue cardstock.
This was fun fun fun! And not that hard. The instructions for the pot are very simple and you can find those instructions by clicking here.

Thanks for stopping by today! I am glad you checked in! What do you think of my cute little pot? :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Sunday

Hi everyone! Thanks for checking in! Kids are on spring vacation this week. I am so excited I get to watch my shows tonight and stay up late and not have to get up early tomorrow! LOL. Today I am taking my daughter to her play date while I run some errands.

Spring has finally sprung here in Vermont..........I think! LOL. Our mountains still have snow and they have still been getting some random snow even into April. But here, we are in the high 50's low 60's and my daffodils are sprouting! I love living in a place where I can plant perennials once and forget about them! :)

With Spring here, I've really been wanting to make a card called the Flower Pot Pocket Card. Have you seen it? SCS has a great section dedicated to challenges. They have Color Combo Challenges, inspiration challenges, cards sketches, etc. The flower pot pocket card is in the Technique challenge. Look at the gallery of cards people have made. They're awesome!!! You can find the directions to make this card here. I have made the pot portion but haven't gotten around to making the flowers yet! LOL. You should check them out. You will probably get farther along than I did! LOL

Have a wonderful Sunday......I am off to get ready to take my daughter to her playdate! I hope you are enjoying your spring weather as well!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Saturday!

Hi everyone; thanks for stopping by and checking in with me! I have a busy weekend planned starting with today and birthday shopping! Lauren turns 7 on Monday! I can't believe it! She has some birthday money she wants to spend today starting with going to get a new bike! So we are visiting the mall, Toys R Us, Walmart, Michaels (for me), and then daddy is meeting us for dinner. He has drill this weekend. :( Tomorrow is Lauren's party. She chose to have a bowling party with 5 of her friends. We did this two years ago for our son and Lauren had a run in with a bowling ball and busted her chin open. She swore against bowling parties forever! Poor thing. But she recently had a day trip to the bowling alley with a spring vacation camp she was in and she saw that the step she tripped on at the bowling alley had been removed and now the whole bowling alley is flat! She loved it! LOL She she was eager to have her party there this year. Monday, I am taking cupcakes to her classroom, so I have to get all the fixins' for that as well. A busy weekend with not much time for playing in my room. But that's okay; it'll be a fun weekend for the family. The only downside is that yesterday I came down with a cold! I don't feel horrible but it's just irritating! Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I bet most of you are enjoying the long-awaited springtime weather! We are just about there temperature wise but we are getting one rain storm after another these days. I do not like "mud season." LOL. Have a great weekend and I will see you soon! ;)