
Friday, January 2, 2009

Bedtime Stories

Hi all! As planned, we took the kids to see Bedtime Stories today. It's a really cute movie! Very funny. Adam Sandler cracks me up and that guinea pig is so goofy looking! Great family movie!
After the movie, we went to Best Buy and I got a flash drive to clear up some space on my puter. And guess what?? I need to get another one! I had copied all kinds of documents to the flash drive and then I wanted to transfer some pictures over.....I discovered that the pictures that I download from my camera are taking up a whopping 4 1/2 gigs of memory!!!! OMG!! I didn't realize that they take up so much space! No need for that! So I may weed through them and delete some that aren't worth keeping and then transfer the rest to another flash drive. Crazy huh?
I also downloaded the trial version of a video editing program tonight. I can't wait to play with it tomorrow. Supposedly, you can download directly to You Tube. I get to play with it and see how easy it is for 30 days. Hopefully it isn't too difficult. I can't stand it when my computer has one over on me ! LOL
I am still dying to dig into my new JustRite Stamps! It's killing me that I don't have the free time that I used to. And I want to place an order for that Love You Much Bundle from Stampin Up! I see all these samples and I am chomping at the bit! LOL Tomorrow is going to be another sub-zero day so I imagine the kids and I will stay home and we can all play with our new toys! ;)
Anyway, hope you all had a wonderful time for New Year's Eve!! Nobody's left me any comments yet and I can't wait to hear what y'all did! Talk to you soon! Off to bed now...

1 comment:

  1. I stayed home and made cards! I am too old to go out anymore! LOL
