
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sorry I've been MIA!!

Hi all! Sorry I've been MIA for a couple of days! The work week is so busy for me! I wish I had more time to play! But you know what? I am getting some new toys soon! A friend and I have some Just Rite Stamps coming!! I can't wait for that! She purchased all but ONE set that was on the buy one get one free sale! Woohoo! I am so excited! I am also waiting for that Glue Glider! I have two of those coming too! This weekend I have a lot going on but I hope to play at some point! Saturday I am getting my hair trimmed and Sunday, hubby and I have a Christmas party to go to. But that's early on in the day. I am hoping that Saturday at some point, we can get our Christmas tree! Wednesday my boss leaves for vacation and doesn't return to work until the 30th!! So I will be all alone at work for 3 weeks! Jared jokes that I need to get another organ taken out or something so I don't have to work alone! LOL. Real funny huh? ;) So I am going to be busy this month. I can't even tell you how exhausted I am when I get home from work!! Working stinks! LOL
So anyway, just wanted to check in real quick. Thanks for stopping in! I promise to have something creative to share this weekend! ;)

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