
Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm such a dork!

Okay, so the wheel's been around a long time right? LOL. So has the SU's Stampin' Around wheel and I've had one for almost a year now, well actually, longer than that. That's not the point. I've had this little gem and an unopened black cartridge (which all this time I thought was green because of the casing), and a stamp thingie, and NEVER used it!!!!!!! Then last night I watched Dawn's video on Dawn's Stamping Thoughts demonstrating how to use them. And guess what? I just now opened the cartridge (after searching my messy room for 20 minutes), and put it in, and grabbed a piece of scratch paper and started rolling away!! LOL. I can't believe I didn't use it sooner! Now I have to get the jumbo one (used in Dawn's video). LOL I love it! :D Isn't that funny? I am such a dork sometimes and the smallest things make me happy! LOL Head over to Dawn's by clicking >>here<<>

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