
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Good morning! Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I can't believe today is here already; seems like yesterday I was eating turkey! LOL. I have had my turkey in the fridge for 5 days now, and this morning, I pulled it out and he's still somewhat frozen! I couldn't get the neck out and the gizzards out of the cavity. So now he sits in water.........and we

Meanwhile I am going through all my blog updates. I have signed up for so many newsletters that it takes me a good 2 hours to view them all! That's okay though, I love it! I also had to check out the SU sale that's been so excitedly talked about! I plan on ordering some things but I also want to take advantage of the sale at JustRite stamps that I shared with you earlier. It's so hard to pick a starter set though; I love them all!

This year I have much to be thankful for. First, my family. We are healthy, we have a roof over our head, we have food on the table and we have each other! After two major surgeries in the family this year, we are grateful that we are all healthy now. In case you are new to my blog, I had emergency surgery at the end of March to remove my gall bladder. And my 9 year old son had emergency surgery just a few weeks later to remove his appendix! Not a fun spring this year! But we are all recovered and back to normal; whatever that might be! LOL.

I am also grateful that we both have jobs! So many people we know lost their jobs recently and I can only imagine what that must feel like just before the holidays!

Of course I am grateful for all the little things in my life and my beloved dogs, but I am so lucky to have the relationships that have with my family and close friends. I have made a few very close friends this year and it's been wonderful. And I feel this year, my family is a much tighter unit; it's awesome. So many of our friends have "lost everything"; their homes, their wives or husbands, children, pets, jobs..... We feel so lucky to have each other.

My thoughts are with those of you who have lost something close to you this year; whether that be a loved one, a pet, or an income. This time of year makes us think of those things much more and it's extremely hard during the holidays. I miss my parents all the time but the holidays are hard. I just count my blessings, which are many, and focus on the positive things that we have encountered this year. I always say to myself when I am feeling sorry for myself, "someone out there has it worse than me....." And it's true! So I count my blessings and thank GOD for all those things that I might take for granted!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Have a happy, healthy, and safe holiday!!!! Thanks for stopping by today!

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