
Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Hi everyone! Had a fun night of trick or treating with the kids and my friend and her baby! We live in a great development with a 1 mile circle loop and a couple of side streets with cul-de-sacs. We live in one of the only true "neighborhoods" where the houses aren't on large lots or acres. Most of the houses have their land or acreage in the rear of the house with maybe 100 yards or so in between each house. So it makes for great trick or treating and the kids can run from house to house. With that being said.........just about all the residents with little kids in my little town bring their kids to our neighborhood because they either live on farms with no neighbors or they live where the neighbors are like a block away! LOL. So we usually get about 250+ kids running through here. People park their cars at one of the two entrances and then walk around the mile loop. You usually see about 20-30 cars at each entrance. Sometimes you see trucks pulling flatbed trailers with about 20 kids riding in it and the truck just drives through the neighborhood stopping at each house and the kids all jump off and run to everyone's house! I remember the first year we lived here (coming from apartment living in California where we had no trick or treaters) I just about died when I saw the first truck load of kids running down my driveway! LOL What a riot that was! We buy about 10 bags of candy each year and we always run out before all the kids have left our neighborhood! It seems like every year the number of kids coming through gets higher and higher! LOL. When the weather is bad or cold, it doesn't stop the trick or treaters! The parents just drive their cars or mini vans and in front of every house, you see the car door fly open and kids run out, get candy, and get back in the car! It's pretty funny. I've never seen so many kids on one street! What usually takes about 20 minutes to walk around the block, Halloween takes more than an hour.
Since we've accumulated 4 dogs over the years who are barkers (and our biggest is the watchdog), we lock them in my office in the basement and turn on music really loud so they can't hear the kids or the knocking on the door constantly. It's so funny. When we let them out, they run around the house all crazy and then run around the yard with their noses to the ground! It really is a fun night, to say the least. Jared was an army man, wearing daddy's uniform and his bullet proof vest which weighs a ton to a little kid! But he wore it the entire time! I dragged the wagon along with us in case he wanted to take it off halfway around the block. Lauren was a bat. A nice fuzzy bat with a pink belly and purple face on the hood. So cute.
Anyway just wanted to share our night and wish you all a safe and Happy Halloween! Hope you are all having a great time and enjoying all the costumes! We saw some pretty crazy ones! LOL
Thanks for stopping by! I will have some cards and projects to post this weekend!
Lots of hugs,

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