
Monday, September 15, 2008

Saturday Night Live...

I don't watch the show because I can't possibly stay up that late anymore! You know you're old when you don't count your birthdays anymore, don't look forward to birthdays anymore, have to think for a LONG time when someone asks you how old you are, and bedtime is 9 o'clock!!! That's me! 37 years old and can't stay up for SNL!! LOL But it's great when you wake up in the morning to get the kids off to school and on every news station, you see snippets of "Palin" and "Clinton" standing at a podium together speaking to the nation!!! OMG! It was so funny I had to go to the SNL site and see the skit in its entirety. If you are like me and can't stay up that late, or you are like me and saw snippets and now want to see the whole thing, here is the link. If you clicked on the word "here" and nothing happened, here is the link again.
Note: I am no means trying to be political or voice any opinion whatsoever!!! I just thought it was funny!!! So please don't take offense to my mentioning it. I think it's hilarious when SNL can copy anybody and do it so perfectly! ROFL!! Anyway, check it out if you haven't seen it already.

Now I am off to make a baby book/journal thingie. I will post it when I am done. Have ideas floating around in my head and have to jump on them when it happens! LOL Thanks for checking in!

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