
Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Monday Morning!!

Really? Is there such thing as a happy Monday morning? After sleeping in all weekend, Mondays are really hard for me! I don't like Mondays. However, my store is closed on Mondays so I don't have to get ready for work! Woohoo! LOL. My little ones are off to school and I am getting ready to leave to take my eldest to school downtown. Then I am coming home and finishing a baby book that I have been working on. Right now, I am adhering the tabs in it. I am totally excited at how this is turning out! I wasn't too thrilled when I got parts of the cover on it, but I managed to work through my creative funk! Yay! Don't you hate those days? It's really hard to come up with anything creative on those days. I seem to have more of those than any other!
Anyways, I am going to post those pictures today and then start working on other things for my upcoming craft fairs! Katie and I are doing a few together, so that will be fun!
Thanks for stopping by; check back later today! Have a wonderful day!

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