
Monday, August 25, 2008

Kids Brain Cancer Research

Good Morning All,

Today I have a request for you.......I received the following email from my cousin whose sister is battling brain cancer. She was diagnosed almost 2 years ago and was given 3 years to live. So far she is doing well, but who knows what lies ahead for her and her family. Please take a minute and read this email. Thanks so much!

Hi All,
We are very lucky in that my sister is doing so well with her brain cancer. Things so far are very good considering. However, I look all the time for ways to beat this monster : brain cancer. I can't imagine if this situation was different and I was writing this with my sister being a child, not an adult.
I received this from a member in a support group. Please take a minute to read this email and logon to American Express to nominate the PLGA foundation for a brain tumor research grant.PLGA (Pediatric Low Grade Astrocytoma) is critically underfunded and they are the most common form of children's brain tumors. The email below describes the steps to nomimate and is from the PLGA:5 minutes of your time could mean up to $2.5 million for PLGA research...
I am writing with an urgent request, because 5 minutes of your time could mean up to $2.5 million donated to PLGA brain tumor research.As of today, August 18th, the PLGA Foundation is in the running for a HUGE grant from American Express's philanthropic program. The hitch is that we need to get 10,000 people to NOMINATE the project BEFORE August 30th in order to be considered as a candidate for the funds.
This is where we need YOUR help. Nominating is EASY.
Just four steps:
1) Go to which will automatically bring you to the summary of the "Project Brain Child" project

2) Click the "NOMINATE PROJECT" button

3) Sign in (If you are an Amex cardmember use your ONLINE user name and password as if you were viewing your credit card statement. If you are not an Amex cardmember sign in as a "Guest")

4) Click on "Nominate Project" again to register your vote.You are done! THIS TAKES 5 MINUTES TO COMPLETE.
For those of you who have time to do a little more.....when you are at you can also click on the"Discussion Board" link at the bottom of the page and write a message that tells American Express why this is so important. (For example, no funds available, current treatments are toxic and punishing, not to mention ineffective, etc.)The ultimate thing you could do is reach out to your friends, colleagues, family, and any other groups where you might get the membership to vote for the project as well. (Feel free to also put the request on Facebook,MySpace, carepages, caringbridge, etc. page. and ask everyone to do the same.)The goal is HUGE, but 'viral marketing' can work...if each one of us reaches out to their email contact lists. We stand a chance if we stand together!!!!PLEASE, PLEASE help us get these funds for PLGA research.Thanks so much!

Amy WeinsteinExecutive DirectorPLGA Foundation

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