
Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! I wish today was my Friday but I have to work tomorrow. I don't normally work on Saturdays so my weekend is Sunday and Monday this week. I don't have a project to share with you today :( but I have something else to share with you.......I love browsing blogs as I'm sure a lot of you do too! Sometimes I can spend hours at my computer visiting different blogs. Look at my list of favorite blogs and you'll see why it takes me so long! LOL. I discovered a new blog tonight thanks to Carol at SCS. Thanks for sharing, Carol!! The addy is Her name is Jenn and her projects are stunning! She is great tutorials and videos as well. You should visit her the next time your blog hopping!

I will be making new stuff this weekend because I have some classes coming up so be on the lookout for is a photo wallet, the other is something I call "No Calorie Desserts." Won't tell you what that consists of quite yet! :) Soon I will be setting up links to descriptions of my classes that are held in Essex Junction. I have the list started but you can't click on them yet.

I also started a new list of books that I am currently reading or have recently read. In case any of you are readers out there.........

So have a wonderful Friday and I will check in tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by and go say hi to Jenn! :)

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