
Friday, June 20, 2008

New elements added....

Late post tonight! It's 11:30 pm and I am getting ready to go to bed but wanted to say hey! This week at work went fairly quickly. The guy I hired quit yesterday. He didn't like our boss! LOL. Oh well. He was starting to drive me crazy at work!

Tomorrow I am taking the kids to the fairgrounds. Animal Planet is coming to Vermont! I heard a commercial on the radio about some dog shows and different animals that are going to be there and I thought the kids would enjoy that! Besides that, it's free! LOL Can't beat that!

I have added more pictures to my slide show called Some of my Creations. And I have added a guestbook at the bottom of the page. Seems kinda cool. I saw it on another blog and thought it looked fun. Check it out and sign in if you'd like!

Oh and I added another favorite blog to the list......drum roll please......Cindy Haffner!!! Yay. I love her cards and her gallery at SCS. Check it out.

Sunday, Katie is doing another craft fair; purses, cards, cell phone pouches, jewelry. Wish her luck!

Post again tomorrow. Thanks for checking in.

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