
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Got my staples out....

Got my staples out yesterday afternoon! Yeah, that didn't feel real good! LOL But I am glad they are out. Now the muscles all over my abdomen are really sore. :( Instead of looking like a train track going across me, it looks like a centipede because of the staple holes! LOL In two weeks I can start putting Vitamin E oil on it but nothing until then. I am down a total of 20 pounds now! I can't believe it! I can't believe that I had to take out an organ to lose some weight! LOL. I joked with the doctor that we should just take out some more! LOL Just kidding of course; I never want to have surgery again! Even though the hospital and all the nurses and my surgeon were wonderful, it's not someplace I want to re-visit anytime soon!

Tomorrow is Lauren's birthday, but we celebrated tonight so she could have all day tomorrow to play with her new toys. She new she was getting a bunch of princess dress up toys but she didn't know we got her a Nintendo DS! She was playing with Jared's a lot and we knew she loved his, so now she has her own...... a pink one! And her own princess game! She wanted a Backyardigans cake, which surprised me! I haven't had cake in months! And being on my lowfat diet right now, I just had a small piece but it was so yummy!!! :)

I found the rest of my One Sheet Wonder cards tonight. I thought I had misplaced them somewhre or possibly left them at the stamp store after my class, but my daughter located them for me so I can finally take pictures of them and post them. I hope to do that soon. If not tonight, I will do it tomorrow.

I have been getting so many wonderful Get Well cards; thank you so much! They really do brighten my day! So thank you to everyone who has taken a moment to make me a card! I just love them!

Off to browse the galleries at SCS now! Thanks for checking in! Stop by again soon!

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