
Monday, March 3, 2008

Working Girl!

Wow, what a week last week was! I started a new job last Tuesday and wasn't expecting to work everyday including Saturday! So my blog suffered and so did my little craft room; I didn't step foot in my room all week! Today is the first day I've been able to catch up on email and work on some projects for this month's classes. I have some things to post but I wont' be able to do it tonight. I am working on some One Sheet Wonder cards this evening and before I started working, I did some little post it note keychains but haven't photographed them yet. So I will get those up as soon as I can.
February was the snowiest February on record in Vermont! It doesn't seem like it but according to the weather people we got a ton of snow last month. We are supposed to be getting some nasty weather late tonight into tomorrow; snow and sleet mix, so the morning commute to work is gonna be a mess!
I think I am going to start offering Blog Candy!! I haven't done it before and I've never won any but I have my favorite blogs that I try to check out on a regular basis and it's so fun to see what everyone offers! So I will keep you posted on that!
Well off to finish some more cards. Will post them as soon as I can! Lots of hugs! Thanks for stopping by!

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