
Friday, February 8, 2008

Cleaning my craft room...

Hi everybody! Happy Friday! We have over a foot of snow on the ground again! YAY! It's just beautiful outside. No sense taking pictures though because they all look the same! Same house; same white! LOL.
I've been re-arranging again in my craft room! :) It's so fun to come up with new ways to do things. Now I have two working stations, well 4, but my younger daughter uses one whole table and my older daughter uses the other table for sewing. I made my compter area a work station as well so now I can browse the gallery or chat while I create! :) I don't have to go back and forth anymore!
Katie is getting a ride home from her boyfriend today; for the first time! Ahhh! I hope they take the back roads and not the highway! He's a good kid and has a lot of driving experience from having his permit but now he's got his license and doesn't have to drive with an adult anymore! I'm kinda freakin' out! LOL Will let you know how that goes....
Made a waterfall card today as a sample for a class this month. It's the first one I've ever made and I am happy with the results; will have to make this sort of card more often! I just tried to take a picture of it but my camera battery is dead so I have to charge it and I will post a picture later today.
Thanks for stopping by and stayed tuned....

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