
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Demo Day was yesterday

Yesterday was my first demo day that I participated in. It's very different for me to have a dozen women just staring at me, and not partaking in the project! For one hour, I showed them how to decorate and put together a star book. It was at a local stamp store so I couldn't use any SU stamps or ink. I hope to post pictures of it later today. Oh and I have pictures of cute little key chain post it's that I learned to make using this tutorial. They are really cute and easy to make.

I have an update on the Fiskars Finger Craft Cutter.....if you haven't purchased one already, you must get one! It's just like holding a pen. I am actually able to cut straight lines without using a ruler or straight edge! It's wonderful for cutting around curves too! I just love it! It's a handy little tool and very inexpensive!

I've purchased quite a bit of stuff over the last few weeks.....A Lizzie Anne Little Bits Cling Stamp Set called Blissful Blossoms. I love her these sets! They stick to the acrylic block without using double stick tape!
I got a ton of colored pencils to do the gamsol technique too! Instead of gamsol however, I am using baby oil. I can't find gamsol and I can get the baby oil at the corner gas station! Perfect! LOL. It's a beautiful technique, you have to try it! I used that techique on my star book so you'll be able to see it when I post the pics.
I also got some of the ginormous scallop punches. I had posted a while back how I store them and I love it! Here's the link in case you didn't get to see it. I have added two or three more punches to my collection! :)
I got some super cute Easter stamps from Inkadinkado and also some St. Patty's Day stamps.
Right now, that's all I can remember but I have a feeling I have forgotten something! Today I purchased some index cards that I am going to use to catalog my stamps and inkpads. I find myself re-purchasing the same ink!! It's very annoying! LOL So when I finish that I will post that.
I am also working on getting some video tutorials on my blog; have to work out some kinks first though! LOL So I'll keep you posted on that.
So that's about it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

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