
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

It's the day after Christmas! I hope all of you had a wonderful day! Drop a line and tell me what your day was like! I am dying to know!

Our exciting news is that Lauren lost her first tooth last night! It's the tiniest tooth I have ever seen! The tooth fairy left her a dollar in quarters! She is very excited about that!

Everyone enjoyed their presents. Not too many since Disney was their Christmas present. But they did get what they really wanted and they are all happy. We finally broke down and go a play station 2. We never thought we'd have one in the house but they totally love it! Who wouldn't, right? LOL Katie is enjoying her game, Burn Out 3, Little "J" loves that one too but he also enjoys Kingdom Hearts, and Lauren likes her Nemo game, although she enjoys watching Mom play it! LOL. It sure is entertaining them during their vacation!

We had friends over for Christmas Eve and then we went to visit some family for brunch yesterday. We had a great time catching up with everyone.

No snow for the last few days. It's been a little warmer and we actually had some rain which melted some of our snow and I'm not too happy about that. We are supposed to get a few inches tomorrow though, so that will be nice.

I have to catch up on the blogs I visit and then I will post some pics maybe later. Have a wonderful day!

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