
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Summer!!!

Hi!!! Man I miss blogging and keeping up with projects. :-( I haven't done a thing creatively in SO long! This year has just been so rough with this deployment. I don't have any free time with both kids in Taekwondo and soccer. I am constantly running the roads! But the good news is that I have purchased some huge shelving units from a LSS that is closing and right now I am in the process of cleaning my room and packing things up to get it ready for the new shelves. I am so excited because they were made specifically for stamps so they are shallow and don't take up a lot of floor space. I will finally look organized! Sad thing is that i actually have enough stamps to fill two units, both 8 feet long and 8 feet tall!!! It's amazing what you accumulate in just 5 years! LOL. Anyway just wanted to check in and say that very soon I will be able to create in my room again! I can't wait! Have a wonderful September! Summer is winding down......

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wow it's a new year! I can't believe it! It would be awesome if I could say that I've been swamped making projects and cards and scrapbook pages! Not the case! I did make a few Halloween cards and Christmas cards, and a couple little Top Note boxes for Christmas, but I don't have pictures yet to share. One of my new hobbies is Facebook! OMG! I never thought I would start that but it's been addicting! I now have a farm on Farmville, a farm on Lil' Farm Life, and an apartment at Yoville! LOL. It has been one of those mindless activities that has proven to be very distracting for me. And right now I need some distraction, believe me! The deployment I referred to is fast approaching and I am not looking forward to it! But hopefully, I will be busy enough to pass the time quickly. I plan to keep up with my blog this year. I am not one to make New Years Resolutions since I never complete them, but keeping busy is going to be a priority! My kids, my work, my friends, and my hobbies should be all I need to get through this deployment! Thanks for checking in with me! I hope that you all have a wonderful New Year!!!!!